
Valsala Boss
Principal, Govt Engineering College Muttathara

"Dear Sukumari, I am proud of you. I know that you are an excellent teacher in mathematics upto M.Tech level. Probably, in my opinion you are one of the best Mathematics teacher in the State. My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the new project. I am sure that students will get a life memorable basement in mathematics by hearing you. Wish you and your students all the best."

Anju Mary Jacob
Software Engineer, Infosys { Holy Angels ISC student }

" She is one of the best teachers you can ask for. It is very difficult to make someone understand the concepts of mathematics but she did it so well that you can completely rely on her. "

Anjana Prasad
BPS, McKinsey & Company, Bangalore

" I still remember our Math teacher Sukumari mam entering the class with an affectionate smile. It was really tough for me calculating and solving derivations initially,slowly the systematic and thorough lectures by her finally helped to attain a seat in Btech degree college. Thanks a lot..!! "

Software Engineer, Dentcare Dental Pvt Ltd, Cochin { Govt Engineering college, Muttathara }

" Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or complexity. It is about the person who helps to pursue simply and stunningly. For me maths was the toughest subject, Decision taken to attend the classes with the sukumari teacher was soo helpful. She can teach you from the fundamental basics to whole bedrock. "